Honors List

Honor Name Category Description Circulation Details
I'm Watching You Items Find 50 items in the city 85,891
Smokin' Barrels Crimes Achieve 5,000 theft crimes 16,213
Moneybags Money Invest $100,000,000 in the stock market 68,251
Intern Misc Use 100 job points 151,426
Journalist Misc Have an article accepted in the newspaper 265
Find A Penny, Pick It Up Crimes Achieve 5,000 other crimes 4,334
Magical Veins Jail & Hospital Use 5,000 medical items 18,093
Loan Shark Money Achieve a high credit score with Duke 29,512
Luxury Real Estate Misc Own an airstrip 46,397
Green, Green Grass Money Make an investment in the city bank of $1,000,000,000 or more 47,758
Mile High Club Travel Travel 100 times 80,569
Pocket Money Money Make an investment in the city bank 400,281
The Beautiful City Level Reach level 75 15,393
Slow Bomb Misc Use a dirty bomb 85
Kill Streaker 1 Attacking Achieve a best killstreak of 10 255,102
Kill Streaker 2 Attacking Achieve a best killstreak of 100 37,137
Kill Streaker 3 Attacking Achieve a best killstreak of 500 4,452
Another Brick In The Wall Level Reach level 10 327,598
Stock Analyst Money Achieve excellent success in the stock market 11,109
Precision Attacking Achieve 25 critical hits 316,493
Driving Elite Misc Reach racing class A 37,793
Self Defense Attacking Win 50 defends 89,201
Florence Nightingale Jail & Hospital Revive 500 people 5,883
Fire Starter Crimes Achieve 5,000 arson/fraud crimes 12,330
Candy Man Crimes Achieve 1,000 theft crimes 103,562
Spaced Out Drugs Overdose on Cannabis 2,315
Night Walker Attacking Make 100 stealthed attacks 114,107
Machinist Weapons Achieve 100 finishing hits with mechanical weapons 29,649
Who's Frank? Drugs Use 50 Cannabis 22,694
Party Animal Drugs Use 50 Ecstasy 34,606
Horse Tranquilizer Drugs Use 50 Ketamine 8,092
Acid Dream Drugs Use 50 LSD 12,506
The Fields Of Opium Drugs Use 50 Opium 6,147
I Think I See Dead People Drugs Use 50 Shrooms 7,179
Crank It Up Drugs Use 50 Speed 4,948
Angel Dust Drugs Use 50 PCP 5,222
Free Energy Drugs Use 50 Xanax 75,411
Painkiller Drugs Use 50 Vicodin 26,218
Woodland Camo Camo Win 5 attacks 389,512
Desert Storm Camo Camo Win 20 attacks 285,303
Urban Camo Camo Win 50 attacks 224,628
Arctic Camo Camo Win 100 attacks 176,656
Fall Camo Camo Win 250 attacks 116,879
Yellow Camo Camo Win 500 attacks 81,370
Digital Camo Camo Win 1,000 attacks 55,417
Red Camo Camo Win 2,000 attacks 35,641
Blue Camo Camo Win 3,000 attacks 26,124
Orange Camo Camo Win 4,000 attacks 20,292
Pink Camo Camo Win 5,000 attacks 16,108
Zebra Skin Camo Achieve 50 skill in hunting 23,034
Leopard Skin Camo Achieve 75 skill in hunting 13,909
Tiger Skin Camo Achieve 100 skill in hunting 3,176
Biology Bachelor Education Complete all classes in Biology 65,792
Business Bachelor Education Complete all classes in Business 46,869
Combat Bachelor Education Complete all classes in Combat 62,925
ICT Bachelor Education Complete all classes in ICT 54,768
Defense Bachelor Education Complete all classes in Defense 69,205
General Bachelor Education Complete all classes in General Studies 63,077
Fitness Bachelor Education Complete all classes in Health & Fitness 51,906
History Bachelor Education Complete all classes in History 62,169
Law Bachelor Education Complete all classes in Law 35,225
Mathematics Bachelor Education Complete all classes in Mathematics 31,699
Psychology Bachelor Education Complete all classes in Psychology 57,611
Sports Bachelor Education Complete all classes in Sports Science 66,758
Maradona Travel Travel to Argentina 50 times 32,444
Cascado Travel Travel to Mexico 50 times 39,156
Land Of Promise Travel Travel to the United Arab Emirates 50 times 32,369
Hula Travel Travel to Hawaii 50 times 24,118
The Rising Sun Travel Travel to Japan 50 times 23,309
British Pride Travel Travel to the United Kingdom 50 times 38,024
Cape Town Travel Travel to South Africa 50 times 39,145
Like The Celebs Travel Travel to Switzerland 50 times 37,494
Year Of The Dragon Travel Travel to China 50 times 33,250
Toronto Travel Travel to Canada 50 times 37,273
Spray And Pray Attacking Fire 1,000 rounds 223,636
Stumped Weapons Achieve 100 finishing hits with heavy artillery 22,729
Axe Wound Weapons Achieve 100 finishing hits with clubbing weapons 47,783
Pin Puller Weapons Achieve 100 finishing hits with temporary weapons 25,467
Lend A Hand Weapons Achieve 100 finishing hits with machine guns 25,028
Yours Says Replica... Weapons Achieve 100 finishing hits with pistols 36,439
2800 Ft/S Weapons Achieve 100 finishing hits with rifles 71,046
Cartridge Packer Weapons Achieve 100 finishing hits with shotguns 33,795
Act Of Faith Weapons Achieve 100 finishing hits with SMGs 37,206
The Stabbist Weapons Achieve 100 finishing hits with piercing weapons 101,922
Slasher Weapons Achieve 100 finishing hits with slashing weapons 70,313
Two Halves Make A Hole Attacking Fire 10,000 rounds 73,512
Civil Offence Crimes Achieve 5,000 bootlegging crimes 2,944
Escobar Crimes Achieve 5,000 drug dealing crimes 948
Stroke Bringer Crimes Achieve 10,000 theft crimes 5,764
We Have A Breach Crimes Achieve 5,000 computer crimes 4,612
RDD Misc Use a dirty bomb 85
Smile, You're On Camera Crimes Achieve 2,500 theft crimes 45,632
Breaking And Entering Crimes Achieve 7,500 theft crimes 8,401
Professional Crimes Achieve 5,000 murder crimes 885
Joy Rider Crimes Achieve 5,000 auto theft crimes 3,592
Bug Crimes Achieve 1,000 computer crimes 17,421
Chasm Commitment Stay married for 750 days 78,702
Fascination Commitment Stay married for 250 days 121,248
Stuck in a Rut Misc Use 1,000 job points 88,140
There And Back Travel Travel 1,000 times 22,188
Stairway To Heaven Commitment Stay married for 1,500 days 45,811
Velutinous Misc Have a comic accepted in the newspaper 689
Mission Accomplished Competitions Finish the Elimination competition with your team in 1st, 2nd or 3rd 35,417
Allure Competitions Participate in the Mr & Ms Torn competition 8,323
Jack Of All Trades Competitions Complete the 4th stage of the TC endurance challenge 17,347
Labyrinth Competitions Purchased from Token Shop 9,246
Silicon Valley Misc Code 100 viruses 9,041
Two's Company Commitment Refer one friend to Torn who goes on to reach level 10 39,508
Three's a Crowd Commitment Refer two friends to Torn who go on to reach level 10 13,378
Social Butterfly Commitment Refer three friends to Torn who go on to reach level 10 6,508
The Affronted Misc Infuriate all interviewers in starter jobs 10,687
KIA Competitions Get 50 or more tags in the Dog Tag competition 12,701
Good Friday Competitions Find and collect 10 Easter eggs 44,160
The Socialist Commitment Achieve level 5 on facebook Torn 20,651
Proven Capacity Competitions Complete the 5th stage of the TC endurance challenge 7,307
Master Of One Competitions Complete the endurance challenge bonus task 5,956
Purple Heart Competitions Achieve 50 attacks against enemy team members in the Elimination competition 23,903
50 Cal Attacking Achieve 1,000 critical hits 39,798
007 Attacking Achieve 1,000 attacks and 1,000 defends 4,972
Seeker Misc Achieve 250 total awards 33,078
Domino Effect Attacking Defeat someone displaying this honor 236,601
Discovery Misc Be in a faction which starts making a dirty bomb 7,649
Bounty Hunter Attacking Collect 250 bounties 10,317
Bronze Belt Gym Own all lightweight gym memberships 128,754
Silver Belt Gym Own all middleweight gym memberships 53,184
Gold Belt Gym Own all heavyweight gym memberships 12,292
Dead Or Alive Attacking Earn $10,000,000 from bounty hunting 22,998
Poker King Casino Earn a poker score of 10,000,000 4,583
Optimist Items Find 1,000 items in the dump 18,111
Middleman Items Have 100 customers buy from your bazaar 66,160
Behemoth Gym Gain 1,000,000 defense 48,341
Draco Gym Gain 1,000,000 dexterity 37,119
Supersonic Gym Gain 1,000,000 speed 40,941
Abaddon Gym Gain 1,000,000 strength 52,035
Web Of Perks Misc Achieve 100 personal perks 25,420
Couch Potato Commitment Achieve 1,000 hours of activity on Torn 20,223
Pyramid Scheme Commitment Have one of your referrals refer another player who goes on to reach level 10 9,619
Blood Money Attacking Make $1,000,000 from a single mugging 66,137
Bar Breaker Jail & Hospital Bust 1,000 people from the Torn City jail 7,598
Aiding And Abetting Jail & Hospital Bust 2,500 people from the Torn City jail 3,161
Don't Drop It Jail & Hospital Bust 10,000 people from the Torn City jail 494
Society's Worst Crimes Commit 10,000 criminal offenses 53,113
Freedom Isn't Free Jail & Hospital Make 500 bails from jail 4,064
Chainer 1 Attacking Participate in a 10 length chain 138,728
Flatline Attacking Achieve a one hit kill on a target from full life 271,396
Chainer 2 Attacking Participate in a 100 length chain 110,384
Carnage Attacking Make a single hit that earns your faction 10 or more respect 91,700
Chainer 3 Attacking Participate in a 1,000 length chain 83,979
The High Life Misc Own a yacht 20,369
Half Way There Level Reach level 50 35,075
Survivor Competitions Finish the Torn of the Dead competition as a civilian 1,756
The Whole Nine Yards Level Reach level 100 4,145
To The Limit Level Reach level 100 4,145
Energize Misc Refill your energy bar 250 times 28,514
Second Chance Jail & Hospital Revive 1,000 people 3,859
Wholesaler Misc Sell 1,000 points on the market 57,469
Spinner Casino Spin the roulette wheel 1,000 times 21,366
Deadlock Attacking Stalemate 100 times 16,968
Eco Friendly Items Trash 5,000 items 34,685
Shark Bait Travel Travel to Cayman Islands 50 times 36,479
Bargain Hunter Items Win 10 auctions 14,602
Redline Misc Win 250 races with a single car 8,286
Jackpot Casino Win the jackpot on the slot machine 843
Lucky Break Casino Win one of the lotteries 4,258
Departure Competitions Get 250 or more tags in the Dog Tag competition 3,773
Globally Effective Competitions Complete the 6th stage of the TC endurance challenge 5,479
Domination Competitions Finish the Elimination competition with your team in 1st place 5,999
Supremacy Competitions Finish the Elimination competition within the top 5% of attacks 5,961
Parallel Competitions Purchased from Token Shop 10,266
Globule Competitions Purchased from Token Shop 34,853
Electric Dream Competitions Purchased from Token Shop 5,732
Fresh Start Misc Reset your merits 67,696
Pepperoni Competitions Purchased from Token Shop 4,189
Constellations Competitions Purchased from Token Shop 16,847
Acute Competitions Purchased from Token Shop 23,284
Resistance Competitions Attack 50 zombies in the Torn of the Dead competition 3,583
Retro Competitions Purchased from Token Shop 29,439
Christmas in Torn Commitment Login on Christmas Day 121,204
Brainz Competitions Infect 50 civilians in the Torn of the Dead competition 800
Time Traveller Misc Survive a Torn City rollback 24,163
Serenity Competitions Purchased from Token Shop 22,872
Glimmer Competitions Purchased from Token Shop 7,696
Forgiven Commitment Be truly forgiven for all of your sins 19,050
Phoenix Attacking Defeat someone after losing to them within 10 minutes 99,100
Futurity Competitions Purchased from Token Shop 19,444
Supernova Competitions Purchased from Token Shop 5,117
Miracle Worker Jail & Hospital Revive 10 people within 10 minutes 9,869
Highs and Lows Casino Achieve a win-streak of 25 in High-Low 9,344
One in Six Casino Win 50 games of Foot Russian Roulette 21,164
Champion Competitions Win a community event 228
Compulsive Misc Refill your casino tokens 250 times 1,945
Twenty-One Casino Achieve a Natural, Six card Charlie, Double down and Insurance on Blackjack 28,604
Clotted Jail & Hospital Hospitalize yourself by using the wrong blood bag or drinking some Ipecac Syrup. 63,728
Protege Missions Complete the mission Introduction: Duke 147,807
Resolution Commitment Login on New Year's Day 91,182
Ecstatic Misc Achieve the maximum of 99,999 happiness 16,866
Energetic Misc Achieve the maximum of 1,000 energy 88,001
Anaemic Jail & Hospital Fill 1,000 empty blood bags 20,186
Vampire Jail & Hospital Random chance upon using a blood bag 49,248
Triple Tap Attacking Achieve three headshots in a row 52,638
Transfusion Jail & Hospital Fill 250 empty blood bags 34,925
Awesome Casino Won while spinning the Wheel of Awesome 61,676
Lame Casino Won while spinning the Wheel of Lame 88,964
Mediocre Casino Won while spinning the Wheel of Mediocrity 79,224
Trick or Treat Commitment Login on Halloween 114,594
Torniversary Commitment Login on November 15th 115,920
Chainer 4 Attacking Participate in a 10,000 length chain 32,799
Chainer 5 Attacking Participate in a 100,000 length chain 2,958
Massacre Attacking Make a single hit that earns your faction 100 or more respect 38,028
Genocide Attacking Make a single hit that earns your faction 1,000 or more respect 13,880
Semper Fortis Attacking Defeat someone who has more battle stats than you in a solo attack 209,542
Vengeance Attacking Successfully perform a faction retaliation hit 33,684
Sidekick Attacking Assist in 250 attacks 6,651
Modded Weapons Equip two tier 3 or tier 4 mods to a single weapon 3,114
Reinforced Gym Gain 10,000,000 defense 33,722
Shielded Gym Gain 1,000,000,000 defense 6,553
Survivalist Attacking Win an attack with only 1% life remaining 69,512
Turbocharged Gym Gain 10,000,000 speed 29,864
Lightspeed Gym Gain 100,000,000 speed 23,175
Daddy's New Shoes Casino Win $100,000,000 on a single game of Russian Roulette 18,082
Unarmed Weapons Achieve 100 finishing hits with fists or kick 20,605
Pressure Point Attacking Achieve 100 one hit kills 82,731
Foot Soldier Casino Beat 10 unique opponents in Russian Roulette 34,366
Pious Money Donate a total of $100,000 to the church 76,310
Saintly Money Donate a total of $1,000,000 to the church 48,662
Sacrificial Money Donate a total of $1,000,000,000 to the church 476
Devout Money Donate a total of $100,000,000 to the church 3,428
Tireless Education Attain 100,000 endurance 29,009
Worth it Items Use a stat enhancer 6,297
Talented Education Attain 100,000 intelligence 26,626
Tough Education Attain 100,000 manual labor 21,045
Alcoholic Items Drink 500 bottles of alcohol 40,165
Diabetic Items Eat 500 bags of candy 52,423
Sodaholic Items Drink 500 cans of energy drink 8,219
Bibliophile Items Read 10 books 6,174
Mule Travel Import 100 items from abroad 89,914
Smuggler Travel Import 1,000 items from abroad 70,512
Trafficker Travel Import 10,000 items from abroad 40,342
City Slicker Money Make a profit of $10,000,000 in a single Stock Market sale 26,558
Diamond Hands Money Make a profit of $1,000,000,000 in a single Stock Market sale 1,402
Dividend Money Receive 100 stock payouts 38,837
Tendies Money Make a profit of $100,000,000 in a single Stock Market sale 10,235
Tourist Travel Spend 7 days in the air 79,832
Arrowshot Gym Gain 1,000,000,000 speed 6,145
Mastermind Crimes Participate in 100 organized crimes 59,117
Globetrotter Travel Spend 365 days in the air 5,955
You've Got Some Nerve Misc Refill your nerve bar 250 times 10,879
Frequent Flyer Travel Spend 31 days in the air 53,487
Checkered Past Misc Win 100 races 29,346
Motorhead Misc Reach a racing skill of 10 13,994
On Track Misc Earn 2,500 racing points 7,343
Fury Attacking Achieve 10,000 hits 31,799
Friendly Fire Attacking Defeat a fellow faction member 58,998
Decorated Misc Achieve 100 total awards 82,335
Buffed Misc Achieve 50 personal perks 67,210
1337 Attacking Deal exactly 1,337 damage to an opponent in a single hit 30,304
War Machine Weapons Achieve 1,000 finishing hits in every category 670
Honored Misc Achieve 500 total awards 2,970
Guardian Angel Attacking Defeat someone while they are attacking someone else 44,425
10-Stack Misc Increase a merit upgrade to its maximum 94,831
OP Misc Achieve 150 personal perks 1,550
Manu Forti Attacking Defeat someone who has at least double your battle stats in a solo attack 130,111
Alpinist Gym Gain 100,000,000 dexterity 20,010
Vae Victis Attacking Defeat someone who has five times more battlestats than you in a solo attack 79,570
Freerunner Gym Gain 10,000,000 dexterity 26,361
Task Master Missions Earn 10,000 mission credits 15,463
Funambulist Gym Gain 1,000,000,000 dexterity 5,718
Double Dragon Attacking Assist in a single attack 121,500
Bulletproof Gym Gain 100,000,000 defense 22,502
Strongest Link Attacking Make 100 hits in a single chain 31,393
Powerhouse Gym Gain 10,000,000 strength 35,709
Mighty Roar Gym Gain 100,000,000 strength 24,941
Well Built Gym Gain 1,000,000,000 strength 7,309
Wise Guy Education Complete 50 education courses 67,022
Smart Alec Education Complete 10 education courses 241,383
Whiz Kid Education Complete 100 education courses 30,874
Clever Dick Education Complete 25 education courses 121,149
Mercenary Missions Complete 1,000 contracts 3,141
Boss Fight Attacking Participate in the defeat of a lootable NPC 30,235
Giant Slayer Attacking Receive loot from a defeated NPC 9,747
Key to the City Crimes Successfully burgle all 34 areas 5,388
Stinker Items Successfully prank someone with Stink Bombs 24,681
Pumped Gym Attain 100,000,000 total stats 30,201
Healthy Gym Attain 10,000 total stats 183,390
Lean Gym Attain 100 total stats 607,338
Ripped Gym Attain 10,000,000,000 total stats 1,037
Athletic Gym Attain 1,000,000 total stats 66,665
Collector Items Maintain an impressive display case of collectible items 4,454
Leaderboard Misc Achieve top 250 in one of the personal Hall of Fame leaderboards 3,315
Shredded Gym Attain 100,000,000,000 total stats 89
Conditioned Gym Attain 10,000,000 total stats 45,532
Wipeout Items Successfully prank someone with Toilet Paper 25,517
Foul Play Items Successfully prank someone with Dog Poop 24,845
Invictus Attacking Successfully defend against someone who has at least double your battle stats 160,350
Fit Gym Attain 1,000 total stats 333,408
Jacked Gym Attain 1,000,000,000 total stats 16,658
Toned Gym Attain 100,000 total stats 104,245
Hairy Competitions Unlock a hairstyle from the token shop 26,618
Backdrop Competitions Unlock a backdrop from the token shop 38,316
Tornication Commitment Login on Valentine's Day 96,759
Wrecked Misc Crash a car while racing 41,278
Church Mouse Attacking Be mugged for exactly $1 62,197
Devastation Attacking Deal at least 5,000 damage in a single hit 21,541
Obliteration Attacking Deal at least 10,000 damage in a single hit 4,837
Overtime Misc Use 10,000 job points 27,061
Lavish Items Dump an item with a current market value of at least $1,000,000 31,721
Bare Attacking Win 250 unarmored fights 8,615
Specialist Weapons Achieve 100% EXP on 25 different weapons 492
Riddled Attacking Defeat an opponent after hitting at least 10 different body parts in a single attack 55,394
Annihilation Attacking Deal at least 15,000 damage in a single hit 2,587
Quartermaster Weapons Use 10,000 rounds of special ammunition 7,797
Bandolier Weapons Use 1,000 rounds of special ammunition 23,198
Surplus Weapons Use 100 rounds of special ammunition 37,053
Deadly Duo Attacking Attack and defeat an opponent with your spouse 27,605
Finale Attacking Defeat someone on the 25th turn of an attack 41,487
Lead Salad Attacking Fire 100,000 rounds 9,076
Peppered Attacking Fire 1,000,000 rounds 636
Lovestruck Attacking Defeat a married couple 83,273
RNG Misc Who knows? 25,915
Hands Solo Attacking Defeat someone using only your fists on May 4th 38,606
Worker Bee Education Achieve 10,000 in any working stat 111,024
Historian Misc Read a chronicle 37,512
International Travel Defeat 100 people while abroad 25,380
Mod Boss Weapons Own at least 20 weapon mods 2,288
Souvenir Travel Purchase the perfect souvenir abroad 30,368
Landlord Misc Lease one of your properties to someone 54,215
Crucifixion Jail & Hospital Defeat someone you've just revived 23,786
Monopoly Money Own every stock benefit and dividend at the same time 947
Resurrection Jail & Hospital Revive someone you've just defeated 22,970
Leonidas Weapons Achieve a finishing hit with Kick 46,757
Welcome Commitment Be online every day for 100 days 52,962
Radaway Items Use a Neumune Tablet to reduce radiation poisoning 17,783
Nice Misc Nice 8,024
Going Postal Attacking Defeat a company co-worker 37,810
Gone Fishing Weapons Be defeated by a trout 100,821
Booboo Jail & Hospital Go to hospital 250 times 226,852
Repeat Offender Jail & Hospital Go to jail 250 times 41,933
Chain Saver Attacking Save a 100+ chain 10 seconds before it breaks 22,466
Maimed Weapons Use 2,500 Hollow Point rounds 8,674
Penetrated Weapons Use 2,500 Piercing rounds 7,676
Scorched Weapons Use 2,500 Incendiary rounds 8,511
Marked Weapons Use 2,500 Tracer rounds 7,915
Dragon's Breath Weapons Use a 12 Gauge Incendiary round 12,083
Yoink Attacking Successfully mug someone who just mugged someone else 29,526
Something Humerus Competitions Upgrade your Halloween Basket to Terrifying 15,308
Oh My Gourd! Competitions Upgrade your Halloween Basket to Nightmarish 1,861
Phantastic Competitions Upgrade your Halloween Basket to Frightful 31,565
Boom! Attacking Deal over 10,000,000 total damage 17,002
Bam! Attacking Deal over 1,000,000 total damage 56,173
Kapow! Attacking Deal over 100,000,000 total damage 1,251
Wham! Attacking Deal over 100,000 total damage 141,514
Bullish Money Achieve $1,000,000,000 in total profits in the stock market 5,008
Bearish Money Achieve $1,000,000,000 in total losses in the stock market 1,900
Stonks Money Make a loss of $100,000,000 in a single Stock Market sale 4,661
Spoiled Rotten Crimes Find all seven rotten food & drink 22,890
Pay Dirt Crimes Achieve a skill level of 100 in Search for Cash 24,172
Box Office Crimes Achieve a skill level of 100 in Bootlegging 21,654
Retail Therapy Crimes Achieve a skill level of 100 in Shoplifting 18,813
Online Entrepreneur Crimes Acquire 10,000 customers on your online counterfeit DVD store 21,355
Fresh Blud Crimes Become initiated into one of Torn's five graffiti crews 24,871
Let Us Spray Crimes Achieve a skill level of 100 in Graffiti 23,372
Notorious Crimes Achieve 100% notoriety at all stores at the same time 10,346
King PIN Crimes Achieve a skill level of 100 in Card Skimming 13,005
Zero Liability Crimes Recover a skimmer which has accumulated at least 250 card details 19,793
Breaking and Entering Crimes Achieve a skill level of 100 in Burglary 11,448
Pig Rustler Crimes Pickpocket a police officer's badge 18,810
Pocketeer Crimes Achieve a skill level of 100 in Pickpocketing 12,902
Crowd Teaser Crimes Achieve a skill level of 100 in Hustling 8,684
Tekkers Crimes Achieve maximum technique in all four Hustling confidence tricks 5,537
Trash Bandit Crimes Achieve a skill level of 100 in Disposal 10,239
Dissolving Agent Crimes Dissolve a Dead Body in Acid 9,835
Cryptographer Crimes Achieve a skill level of 100 in Cracking 10,724
Character Assassination Crimes Successfully guess 250 password characters in Cracking 9,622
Documented Success Crimes Achieve a skill level of 100 in Forgery 3,881
Assembly Line Crimes Have ten of the same project in a state of cooldown at the same time in Forgery 7,235
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